

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 龙华区 深圳市龙岗区雪岗北路2018号 天安云谷1期3栋B座1503-1
  • 姓名: 吴珊
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定

    AQ2140日本安藤ANDO 光功率计

  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 电子测量仪器
  • 发布日期:2022-01-10
  • 阅读量:308
  • 价格:1.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东深圳龙华区  
  • 关键词:AQ2140价格,AQ2140销售

    AQ2140日本安藤ANDO 光功率计详细内容

    日本安藤ANDO AQ2140光功率计
    Ando AQ2140 Optical Multimeter
    The Ando AQ2140 Optical Multimeter was developed to serve as universal optical testing instrument. It can be used for a wide range of applications from R&D-- to optical fiber and component manufacture, as well as construction and maintenance. This modular system provides high precision, powerful functions and high-speed measurement, making it one of the most popular instruments for general and integrated applications.
    Sensor Unit
    High Accuracy
    Measurement accuracy of ±2.5% is guaranteed under the reference conditions.
    Wide wavelength range and dynamic range
    Covers a wide waveband from 400 to 1870nm, and provides a dynamic range of 100dB or more for loss measurement.
    (It depends on sensors.)
    Low polarization dependence
    The AQ2733 and AQ2734 sensor units achieve a low polarization dependence of 0.02dBp-p or less.
    Support for the 1650nm band
    The AQ2734 sensor unit uses a photodiode with flat wavelength sensitivity from 1300 to 1800nm, for accurate measurement at 1650nm as well.
    Light source unit
    High stability
    The LD unit has an internal isolator that maintains optical output level stability
    at ±0.003dB.
    Optical power attenuation function
    Optical power can be decreased in 0.1 dB steps to 6.0dB.
    Support for a variety of connectors
    A wide variety of optical connectors can be used just by exchanging the universal connector adapters (AQ4214 excluded).
    Return Loss unit
    High accuracy
    Because internal self-reflectance data is stored by individual units in memory to correct operations, even high-reflectance attenuation can be measured with excellent accuracy.
    High stability
    The internal high-stability sensor can be used together with the LD unit to provide stable reflectance attenuation measurement.
    Simple operation
    Mounted with a return loss unit and an LD unit, the display will show reflectance attenuation after measurement of reference reflectance by merely connecting the measured fiber cablear instruments for general and integrated applications
    数字源表:KEITHLEY 2612B,KEITHLEY 2611B,KEITHLEY 2400,KEITHLEY 2500lv
    温度控制器:KEITHLEY 2510-AT
    服务器:RS RS2414+
    采样示波器:Keysight N1092E
    UXA信号分析仪:KEYSIGHT N9040B
    时基参考模块:Keysight 86107A
    可调谐激光器:Agilent 81600B
    光纤通道模块:Agilent 86105D
    带宽示波器主机:KEYSIGHT 86100D,Agilent 86100C,Tektronix DSA8300,Agilent 86100A
    眼图仪主机:Tektronix DPP125B
    光纤通道模块:Agilent 86105C
    时钟恢复模块:Agilent 83496A
    眼图仪模组:HP/AGILE 86103B,HP/AGILE 86103A,Tektronix 80E04,HP/AGILE 83487A,Tektronix 80C02,HP/AGILE 83480A
    时钟恢复模块:Agilent 83493A
    眼图仪模组接收器:Picometrix  PT-12B/TDC
    光功率模组:HP/AGILE 81630B,HP/AGILE 8163,HP/AGILE 81536A,Agilent 81632A,HP/AGILE 81633A
    光接口模块:Keysight 81619A,Tektronix 80C03
    回损仪模组:HP/AGILE 81610A,photom EP-712
    光功率模组:Agilent 81632B ,ANDO  AQ2730,HP/AGILE 81618A
    精密温控源表:keithley 2510,Keysight E4980A
    低偏振相关光功率传感器:Agilent 81634B
    色散分析仪:Agilent 86038A
    信号发生器:3844A00891 83623B
    相位参考模块:Tektronix 82A04B
    双通道电模块:Agilent 83484A
    测试平台主机:EXFO IQS-610P HS
    传输分析仪:Anritsu MP1590B
    光色散和损耗分析仪:Agilent E0001A-86038A
    通信取样模块:tektronix 80C03-CR
    积分球:Agilent 81002FF
    抖动通信性能分析仪:Agilent J7231B
    眼图仪时钟模块:Agilent 54754A
    脉冲信号发生器:HP 8133A
    波导功率传感器:Agilent V8486A

    欢迎来到深圳市美佳特科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市龙华区深圳市龙岗区雪岗北路2018号 天安云谷1期3栋B座1503-1,联系人是吴珊。 主要经营美佳特经营的产品主要有光示波器眼图仪、可调谐激光源、光谱分析仪、光通信仪器、频谱分析仪、无线综合测试仪等,为客户提供一站式解决方案与服务。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 我们公司主要供应通讯测量仪器,光谱/频谱分析仪,示波器等产品,我们的产品货真价实,性能可靠,欢迎电话咨询!